Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Scrappin' Club Class...

These are the 8 pages we made during our Club Night. I also challenged the class to make a page all about them using only the patterned paper and cardstock colour of their choice, plus some vanilla hodgepodge accesories, and their imagination to create a page all about themselves!

This was my page all about me! Simple and to the point, which highlights me (in my opinion)... :)
These are additional pages I made with my left-overs.

These two pages, I used the backside of some of my above pages plus some scraps I had left-over and stickers, so everything that came WITH the kit!!!

These two pages, I created using some additional cardstock in completely different colours plus the stickers I had left-over.

This layout I used another backside of one of my above pages plus some stickers from my I Wish Class back in December.

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